Sunday, July 31, 2011

Advice for A Reluctant 4-year-old Swimmer

Okay, we're taking our son to swim class. We have him going 4 times a week for 25 minute sessions. (I should note that this is how they schedule the classes - we are not Type A parents). However, my son hates it. He cries and screams and is sooo sad. It breaks our heart. However, we are around the pool all the time, our relatives have pools at their homes and more and more we get invited to his classmates birthday parties - and many of them have pools. So, while I hate to see him cry, I do feel like he needs to learn to swim. Not sure if any of you have experience with this and recommendations for calming/soothing a child before a swim class? Popsicles seem to work every now and then....


  1. Hmmm, popsicles work for us too. Sometimes it helps if you have someone else take him to class - like grandma or a nanny or an aunt. That way they know they can't play on your emotions with them there.

  2. Sorry, that was my comment, but I somehow hit Proud Poppa instead of my google account.
